Session 1

Session 1:Emotional Iridology In this 4-hour Emotional Iridology Intensive, you’ll learn how the eyes provide insight into a client’s behavioral tendencies and emotional disposition. Iris findings and their meanings will be discussed along with recommendations to help...

Session 4

Session 4:Case Studies In the final 4-hour session, each instructor will present an interesting real-life case study. You’ll see how different practitioners interpret their client’s paperwork and perform a consultation. We’ll also discuss how to effectively...

Session 3

Session 3:Menopause and Andropause For this 4-hour session, we’ll take a deep dive into a change that affects many adults, Menopause and Andropause. You’ll learn the physiological shift that occurs during this time and methods to evaluate your clients’ progression as...

Session 2

Session 2:Open Lab Throughout the 4-hour Open Lab, you’ll rotate through stations to practice the core naturopathic techniques, Reams Biological Theory of Ionization (RBTI), Muscle Response Testing (MRT), Physical Observations, Iridology, and Bach Flower Essences....